Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A long and long overdue post!

It's hard to believe the kids will be back to school in just a few short weeks! Where did summer go??

We've been hard at work with all aspects of the adoption. Just a few things to get everyone caught up:

Paperwork wise, our dossier (the big 'ol stack of documents that describe all aspects of us) was sent to China on June 28th (or what we in the China adoption community call "DTC" for dossier to China). It was uploaded to their system and we were given an LID (log in date) of July 13th. From there our paperwork goes through a translation process and then a review process. As long as they don't have any further questions about us, a document called LOA (or LOSC, basically a letter seeking confirmation that we still want to adopt Mickey - who wouldn't?!?) should be issued in 4 to 6 weeks if trends continue the way they have recently.

This means we are still looking at potentially traveling in November. While this is all kinds of awesome, that means we have about 4 months to raise another 18 thousand dollars. I'm currently hashing out the final details of our pancake breakfast at Applebee's. I hope to announce more about that soon!

So besides that, what have we been up to? I'm glad you asked!

So far, the highlight of our summer was driving to Mammoth Caves, Kentucky for the Reece's Rainbow Family Reunion at Jellystone Park. We were only able to stay for three nights, but it was an amazing weekend! We finally got to meet in person people that we had only chatted with online.
It was so nice to be surrounded by other adoptive families for the weekend who "get it"!
We also got to meet the infamous Reece for whom Reece's Rainbow was named after. His mom Andrea, who all the kiddos call "Auntie" is even more amazing in person than she is online.

Here are a few photos from the weekend.

Each cabin or campsite had a Reece's Rainbow sign so we could find other families easier. :)

Cece and Adhu finally got to meet Reece in person. Don't tell anyone, but Cece has a major crush on Reece's younger brother Owen!!! <3

Cece and Adhu LOVED all the pools. It was especially appreciated as it was VERY HOT that weekend.

And of course the kids had to paint some pottery!

Our last evening there it finally cooled off enough to play putt putt.

Mornings were coolest to enjoy some time on our cabin's front porch.

What's a visit to Jellystone Park without meeting Yogi Bear himself??? Reece jumped in the pic too!

Cece and Adhu are truly our pots of gold!!  <3

And if you're still reading, I must thank the anonymous donor who helped pay for our cabin at Jellystone. It was our first getaway as a family of four and it was much appreciated!! The kids are constantly bugging me about when and where the reunion will be next summer! (hint, hint Auntie)

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